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Book Launch! Allisa Cherry’s An Exodus of Sparks

Join us Thursday at 7pm for the launch of Allisa Cherry’s debut poetry collection, An Exodus of Sparks! Allisa will be joined by Laura Moulton and Dominic Laing

About Alllisa Cherry

Allisa Cherry’s debut poetry collection, An Exodus of Sparks (Michigan State University Press)won the 2024 Wheelbarrow Books Poetry Prize and was a finalist for both Persea Books’ Lexi Rudnitsky Prize and The Sewanee Review’s poetry contest. Her writing has appeared in many literary journals, including TriQuarterly, Penn Review, The Journal, The Baltimore Review, Rust & Moth, and many more.

Allisa was raised in a rural religious community in the irradiated high desert along the eastern border of Arizona. She has long since relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she completed her MFA in Poetry at Pacific University. Allisa works in workforce development teaching classes designed for immigrants and refugees transitioning to a life in the United States and is an associate poetry editor for West Trade Review.

About Laura Moulton

Laura Moulton is the author of Loaners: The Making of a Street Library, (Perfect Day Publishing). She is founder and director of Street Books, (, Portland’s bicycle-powered mobile library for people living outside and at the margins. She also created Truth & Dare, a contemporary arts and writing workshop, ( Her work has taken her into public schools, prisons, shelters and universities. Participatory art projects have featured postal workers, poets, immigrants and writers incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. She has taught writing at Lewis & Clark College and for Literary Arts. She earned an MFA from Eastern Washington University.

About Dominic Laing

Dominic Laing is a memoirist and poet who believes good storytelling invites people to know and be known. He's a writer because when he writes, he feels communion...and also because his sixth-grade English teacher told him to keep at it. So, here's to you, Glenda.

Dominic loves stained-glass windows, gluten-free waffles and gardening. He's officiated three weddings and broken one finger. Dominic's work is published in Ekstasis, Hinterlands, Madcap Review and Ellipsis Zine. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his partner, Jenae, and their new baby, Sonora.

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